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Stefani Longshamp
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Sebastian Albertyn

Sebastian plays the protagonist of the film, Anton, a broken man who abandons his life to seek closure for his late friends. 

Known to play the ever-serious dramatic, he has ensured that the production reached the needed levels of quiet, contemplative cinema.

Max Reinert
Heinrich Crocker

The responsible squad leader of the film, Johan, played by Heinrich does his best to ensure the survival of his friends, a forsaken task.

The heartbreaking reliability and realism captured within the desperation to save his comrades deliver a performance that tugs at the heartstrings as war is humanized beyond the group and focused on the individual.

Stefani Longshamp
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:Lucas Brame

The heart and soul of the group, Aleksander acts as the heavy gunner. Dependable and reliable to a fault, he navigates the tempers of the squad while praying for their safety.

Purity and innocence  personified within the human spirit, Lucas brings a level of emotional depth that transcends the limitations of a screen, and bridges the divide into the hearts of the viewer.

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:Lucas Brame

The heart and soul of the group, Aleksander acts as the heavy gunner. Dependable and reliable to a fault, he navigates the tempers of the squad while praying for their safety.

Purity and innocence  personified within the human spirit, Lucas brings a level of emotional depth that transcends the limitations of a screen, and bridges the divide into the hearts of the viewer.

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:Lucas Brame

The heart and soul of the group, Aleksander acts as the heavy gunner. Dependable and reliable to a fault, he navigates the tempers of the squad while praying for their safety.

Purity and innocence  personified within the human spirit, Lucas brings a level of emotional depth that transcends the limitations of a screen, and bridges the divide into the hearts of the viewer.

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:Lucas Brame

The heart and soul of the group, Aleksander acts as the heavy gunner. Dependable and reliable to a fault, he navigates the tempers of the squad while praying for their safety.

Purity and innocence  personified within the human spirit, Lucas brings a level of emotional depth that transcends the limitations of a screen, and bridges the divide into the hearts of the viewer.

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:Lucas Brame

The heart and soul of the group, Aleksander acts as the heavy gunner. Dependable and reliable to a fault, he navigates the tempers of the squad while praying for their safety.

Purity and innocence  personified within the human spirit, Lucas brings a level of emotional depth that transcends the limitations of a screen, and bridges the divide into the hearts of the viewer.

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:Lucas Brame

The heart and soul of the group, Aleksander acts as the heavy gunner. Dependable and reliable to a fault, he navigates the tempers of the squad while praying for their safety.

Purity and innocence  personified within the human spirit, Lucas brings a level of emotional depth that transcends the limitations of a screen, and bridges the divide into the hearts of the viewer.

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Lucas Brame

The heart and soul of the group, Aleksander acts as the heavy gunner. Dependable and reliable to a fault, he navigates the tempers of the squad while praying for their safety.

Purity and innocence personified within the human spirit, Lucas brings a level of emotional depth that transcends the limitations of a screen and bridges the divide into the hearts of the viewer.

Stefani Longshamp
Tobias Krause
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Survive, survive, survive.


Such is the mantra of Jan, forced to partake in a war that he does not support. Now he is left to fight for his life with those that he holds dear.


Krause's physicality within the role of the odd one out can only create an intimately powerful performance. His drive to portray the effects of war on the unwilling are sure to evoke a response.

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